mother! Making the fever dream
by Darren Aronofsky
Designed with David Rudnick
176pp hardcover, cloth bound with removable band
Published by Rizzoli
Purchase on Actual Source
I was tapped by David Rudnick to work with him on a book for the 2017 movie ‘mother!’ for Darren Aronofsky. We created a conceptual framework for the book that emphasized the technicality of Darren’s filmmaking process and was broken into clear sections.
The first section is in the form of an end-credit sequence, and is oriented vertically. It contains the full credits of the film, and emphasizes the technical crew over the cast.
The main section of the book shows the 13 days of shooting the fever dream sequnce. Each ‘day’ section consists of automated screen grabs from unedited takes, script cues, shotlists, annotated maps of the house and other set documentation relevant to the day’s work.
The third section eschews the rigidity of the previous section, instead showing final stills from the sequence, unadorned. The book ends with an interview with the Director of Photography that mixes in behind-the-scenes imagery.